We are all going through these challenging times together, so thank you for your understanding and patience as we continue efforts to keep our community safe. We know some of you have had to postpone cleanings and other non-emergency procedures, but hopefully we will be able to reopen and take care of your dental needs very soon!
When we do, however, you will see some changes geared toward keeping ourselves, you, and our families safe. Things are constantly changing and we are always finding out better ways to protect each other. We are sharing this information with you so that you will have a better understanding of what you may experience on your next visit to the dental office.
As dental professionals, we need to get up close and personal with our patients, so maintaining 6 feet of distance at all times is clearly not an option. In addition to the high standards of infection control we practice on a routine basis we will be implementing additional safety measures based on guidance by The American Dental Association and Centers for Disease Control.
Prior to Your Dental Appointment
The office will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized prior to your arrival including all common areas. We will control the flow of patients through the office in order to allow for appropriate disinfection of all areas between patients.
To help ensure that you are healthy before arriving for your appointment, at your confirmation phone call we may ask you some additional screening questions. These questions will also be asked again upon your arrival the day of your appointment along with taking your temperature. Our staff will also be completing routine health screenings and temperature checks on a daily basis to make sure we are all healthy.
We also ask that you limit the number of people you bring with you to the appointment. That may mean leaving your children at home or allowing older children to go into the office alone while you wait outside.

When you come for your appointment, we ask that you wear a mask, and we may also take your temperature as a precautionary measure.
The Day of Your Appointment
When you arrive at our dental office, we ask that you call or text to let us know you have arrived. Wait in your car and we will be out to get you for your appointment. The most up to date information regarding our check in procedure will be posted on the office door.
This will reduce the number of people in the office and reduce the amount of time you’re close to other people. When you enter the office, we may stop to ask you a few questions and take your temperature.
You may also notice that things may look a little different. It is all in an effort to make the office easy to clean and disinfect. Inside the office, you may notice things people often touch in the waiting room – like toys or magazines – have been removed. We may have hand sanitizer available for you to use or ask you to wash your hands.
In order to protect ourselves and you, Dr. Fienman, our hygienists, and our dental assistants may use additional protective equipment, such as a different mask, face shield, gown, or goggles.
After Your Visit
We will walk you up to the front desk as usual to check out and schedule your next appointment.
Before the next patient comes in, we will thoroughly clean the areas where you’ve been by using disinfectants that are effective against the virus that causes COVID-19.
If you start feeling ill with the symptoms of COVID-19 within 14 days of your appointment, call the dental office. You may have already been carrying the virus at the time of your appointment, so anyone who came into contact with you during that time could be at risk for getting sick too.
Regular dental visits are an essential part of your oral hygiene routine – and are important for your overall health, so be sure to schedule or reschedule your dental checkups. Our dental team will make sure your visit is as safe as possible for everyone involved.
In the meantime, please remain vigilant in order to stay safe and stay healthy.